Thursday, July 4, 2013

On clerical homosexuality and the desire to modernize the Church: a perspective from Greece

The following passage comes from an article (simply titled Περί ὁμοφυλοφιλίας or "On Homosexuality") originally posted  last month on the official website of the Greek Orthodox Eparchy of Kifisia, Amoros and Oropos and translated into English by John Sanidopoulous of the "Mystagogy" blog. (The Passion of Homosexuality According to St. John Chrysostom.)

Emphases are Rorate's. 

It is understood that in the circle of priests homosexuality is unthinkable. Even the simplest carnal sins are obstacles to the Priesthood. The Saints of our Church believe that even the smallest hair in the eye of a person causes tingling and pain and it takes many tears to remove it from the eye. So also the candidate for the clergy, and much more the active clergyman, cannot rest in his priestly ministry, but is tormented and suffers, if there is the slightest carnal sin.
Homosexuality is the heaviest sin, which irrevocably and definitely prevents one entering the Priesthood (and of course the Church does not allow any homosexual to be elevated to the priesthood, even if he has stopped the sin for years).  (more...)

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